Pc Fin, Volnayspeha_krylatskoe-08122020- @iMGSRC RU Keygen Full Activation

1. Plays any avi files in any format. 2. Fully customizable file browser to organize and browse your movies. 3. Undo/redo any changes made in the browser. 4. Playback and search for videos in the browser and in the list. 5. Browser remembers the current list. 6. Quick switch between list and the browser. 7. Browsing through the list in order of insertion. 8. Supports many language options. 9. Supports hundreds of audio and video codecs. 10. Speedlight feature: speeds up the program and provides a real-time preview. 11. Advanced. Exclude specific formats from the list. 12. Supports UTF-8. AVI...

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